Home » today » Business » Police Investigate Rapid Ram Raid at Maasmechelen Gold and Jewelry Store

Police Investigate Rapid Ram Raid at Maasmechelen Gold and Jewelry Store

Maasmechelen –

Two men emptied a gold and jewelry store in Eisden in just one minute on Saturday morning. The perpetrators were masked and were able to open the iron shutter from a distance.

The surveillance cameras and the alarm recorded the ram raid at exactly 5 after 6 in the morning. At that moment, two masked people arrived with a Volkswagen Golf. “Their German license plate would have been forged,” says the owner of gold and jewelry store Esgold, Hatice Gungor. “They were able to open the iron shutter with a remote control. They then drove into the business and gained entry. That all happened very quickly. They stole almost everything in just one minute. The loot consists of jewelry, watches and gold. They only left the gold on the counter.”

The local Lanaken-Maasmechelen police arrived on the scene for the first findings. A perimeter has been set up for a trace investigation and the camera images will still be analyzed. The investigation is now continuing.

It is not the first time that Esgold has been broken into. “The store has already been targeted in the past and where I live, burglars have already struck three times,” concludes the devastated jeweler. (jth/ppn)


2024-03-16 06:34:57
#Masked #ram #raiders #empty #gold #jewelry #store #Eisden #minute

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