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Police in Huila restored and gave bicycles to low-income children • La Nación

With a flyer that he distributed in churches, stores, door to door and to his colleagues, Deputy Mayor Bladimir Díaz managed to collect 20 damaged bicycles and transform them into new bicycles that were delivered at Christmas.

Deputy Superintendent Bladimir Díaz, who works at the Yaguará Police Station, took on the task of searching for unused bicycles to transform them and give them to the most needy children this Christmas.

The initiative arose after this police officer organized a bike ride with the town’s children and noticed that three of them were running behind the patrol car and did not have a bicycle. When he asked them about their bike, the children stated that they did not have one but that they were still on the bike ride because They didn’t want to miss it. That day began the dream of giving bicycles for Christmas.

During a month, 20 bicycles and the elements needed for their restoration were collected, parts that were donated by police, merchants and ordinary citizens to fulfill the dream of 20 low-income children from the municipality of Yaguará and other surrounding areas.

Day and night, the station’s police officers acted as bicycle technicians, painting, fixing and restoring them to the point that they were like new and ready to be delivered for Christmas. The favored families were chosen together with community leaders who knew the children.

The first to receive the bikes were two little brothers with limited resources who live with their mother and their grandfather, the lady suffers from a disability, the other two bicycles were received by two children from Sucre and who live with their mother who is the head of the household in Yaguará. Huila and one more bicycle went to a 5-year-old girl who, together with her mother, traveled from a path two hours from town to go receive her bicycle with which she will go to study every day.

The children who started this Christmas dream and who were running behind the patrol car on the day of the bike ride received their bicycle.

Colonel William Javier Lara Avendaño, commander of the Huila Police Department, praised the work of this police officer from Bogotá who transformed the needs of these children into smiles and happiness this Christmas.

The other 15 bicycles will be delivered to children in the municipality of Yaguará, Teruel, Iquira, Santa María and some in the capital Opita.

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