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Police identify the Glasgow assailant as an asylum seeker from Sudan

Scotland police said Saturday night a man who struck six people in Glasgow on Friday but was subsequently shot dead is 28 years old Sudan citizen Badrehin Abadla Adam.

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As reported, on Friday at the Park Inn, where asylum seekers are housed, police shot a man who had previously struck six people.

A police statement on Twitter said the attacker had been identified on the basis of data he had provided to the Interior Ministry this year when applying for asylum.

Police have said they will continue the investigation Glasgow the circumstances of the “incident”, including the use of police firearms.

The police state that what happened is not considered a terrorist act.

Among the victims are three asylum seekers and a police officer.

British media report that the hotel residents tried to warn the staff about the attacker’s mental condition before the incident.

He had previously told another hotel resident that he wanted to attack other asylum seekers, as well as hotel staff.

The Scottish Refugee Council has stated that it has repeatedly expressed concern about the accommodation of asylum seekers in hotels.

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