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Police identify suspects after an attack on a trans woman in Bremen

After the violent attack on a trans woman on a Bremen tram, police arrested several suspected minors. Four children between the ages of 12 and 13 could be identified from the tram’s video recordings, police said Tuesday.

The minors are accused of insulting and beating the trans woman along with other young people and children in early September. There were about 15 people in total. The 57-year-old was seriously injured. Only when other passengers intervened did they let the woman go and fled.

Among other things, the young men tore the wig off the trans woman’s head and one of the participants punched the victim several times in the face. Due to the young age of the perpetrators, the prosecutor’s office and the police initially searched them only via the police intranet using video footage from the tram’s surveillance camera.

As a result, patrol officers initially recognized a 12-year-old boy and then nine other children and adolescents up to 14 during an operation in Bremen-Huchting on Sunday evening. All were taken to the police station and their parents were informed. In principle, the suspects are not yet of legal age. The limit for this in Germany is 14 years.

Investigations into the people involved in the crime are ongoing, police said. State security is investigating hate crimes and dangerous physical harm.

A few days before the Bremen accident, a 25-year-old died in Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, after an attack at a Christopher Street Day (CSD) event. According to the police, he was confronted with homophobically insulted participants by a 20-year-old. The 20-year-old hit him several times in the face, after which he fell. He later died in the hospital. The alleged attacker is in custody.

In particular, the Münster crime caused horror. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) has announced tougher action against anti-queer violence in Germany. By the way, you made a more accurate record of police statistics. A large dark field can be assumed. (DPA, AFP)

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