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Police have made gloomy findings in the search for the missing Sarah

London police have had their hands full in regaining the citizens’ trust, after they last night apprehended one of his own officers in connection with the search for the missing 33-year-old.

Policeman Wayne Couzens belongs to one of the London police elite divisions. He is now suspected of having kidnapped and killed Sarah Everard when she was on her way home from a friend on March 3.

Late Wednesday night, the case took another dramatic turn, when the police announced that they had found a body. Chief of Police Cressida Dick describes the disappearance as “terrible and vicious”.

Investigators ransacked Wayne Couzen’s house Wednesday. Shortly afterwards, a body was found. Photo: Steve Parsons / AP Photo

“The case has sent shockwaves and anger through Londoners and police,” Dick said The Guardian.

The macabre find was made in a forest area in Kent, and the police chief says it “will take a long time” to identify the body.

Sarah Everard was last seen on her way home from a friend.

Sarah Everard was last seen on her way home from a friend. Photo: Metropolitan Police


Police officer Wayze Couzens also lives in Kent, and was arrested at his home on Wednesday night. In addition to being suspected of kidnapping and murder, police believe that Couzens has also exposed himself to passers-by.

The 48-year-old belongs to an elite department in the police, and has been responsible for protecting elected officials and diplomats. Police officers in this department are usually armed in the service.

Assistant Chief of Police Nick Ephgrave is shocked by the arrest, and acknowledges that the case will weaken people’s trust in the police.

– This is a large and significant development in the search for Sarah, and that the man who has been arrested is a police officer is both shocking and very disturbing. I acknowledge that this will create great concern, says Ephgrave.

The police chief admits the murder of Sarah will weaken people's trust in the police.

The police chief admits the murder of Sarah will weaken people’s trust in the police. Photo: Metropolitan Police

Gave up finding Sarah alive

Chief of Police Dick says it is “fortunately incredibly rare” that a woman is abducted in the streets of London, but is deeply shaken by the case.

– I speak on behalf of all my colleagues when I say that we are deeply appalled by this case. Our job is to patrol the streets and protect the residents, says Dick.

Over the past week, the police have combed the local area and surveillance images in search of Everard, and the case has created a tremendous commitment in the UK.

Couzens was arrested along with a woman in her 30s, initially charged with kidnapping. As the chances of finding Everard alive diminished, the charge was changed to murder.

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