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Police foresee the most violent protests

The city of Madrid and the four Catalan provincial capitals this afternoon will concentrate the most violent marches in protest of the latest police charges. This is foreseen by both the National Police and the Mossos d’Esquadra, which have planned important anti-riot agents in order to confront these demonstrations led by far-left groups that threaten to alter public order as they have been doing in these past days similar movements.

The leaders of these street riots initially came out to protest the rapper’s imprisonment Pablo Hasél, arrested for glorifying terrorism because of the content of one of his songs and the messages he posted on social networks in defense of the ETA and Grapo organizations. The street demonstrations then became a pitched battle in the different cities of Spain in which they took place and ended with a result of fifty arrests and dozens of injuries by both the National Police and the rioters, as well as shops looted and vandalized street furniture.

Poster of the Antirepressive Movement that calls the demonstrations.

The information services understand that these protesters will take to the streets again with a similar intensity in order to protest now not only for the arrest of the singer, but also in order to demand the release of those arrested by the security forces these days past. “Faced with the police brutality that we experienced yesterday and to demand the acquittal of all those detained during the mobilization, this Saturday we return to the streets; pay attention to the networks, tomorrow we will publish the place; the answer is given in the streets”, advancement yesterday on Twitter Madrid Antirepressive Movement hours before the 46th Court of the capital acting as guard released the arrested, who are still being investigated for a generic crime of attack against the authority that could be extended to other crimes depending on the development of the proceedings, which will determine the role of each in the riots.

The court’s decision, however, did not prevent the aforementioned platform from continuing with its concentrations yesterday, since shortly after the release it announced the exact date of the call. “The mobilizations continue to demand the freedom of Pablo Hasél; in Madrid tomorrow at 7:00 p.m., let’s conquer our rights and freedoms! Everyone out on the street!“, prayed the poster of the appeal, which called on its followers also to carry out the same concentrations for the same purposes in other cities of the territory such as Ávila, Almería, Córdoba, León, Logroño, Málaga, Pamplona, ​​Tenerife, Santander and even Milan (Italy) . In all these towns the protesters determined both the time and the place.

Only in Madrid was yesterday still to determine the place where the organizers will carry out the marches, thus leaving the data open in order to go ahead of police planning at all times. Those responsible for the information services of the National Police, however, closely follow every movement of this and other anti-system platforms to anticipate and obtain data related to location and dimensions as soon as possible of concentration, elements that will determine whether or not it is necessary to intensify the device that is already planned for the occasion.

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Roberto R. Ballesteros

The Headquarters of the Police Intervention Units (UIP), popularly known as riot police, have a dozen groups of fifty agents each to face this threat. To counteract the riots, tonight alone in Madrid there will be around 350 anti-riot agents. Consulted police sources assure that they are “sufficient troops” to counter the movement. Public order control specialists are perfectly familiar with Madrid’s polymetry and know where to stand and how to reduce it to an agitated mass depending on the street it is on, because they have been doing this work in the same areas for decades. The distribution of forces and the size of the personnel required are elements that can be adjusted at any time.

The flexibility of riot control units to rally your agents in minutes guard is maximum, since all those who are not called to work this weekend will remain alert in case their superiors require them. “Okay with a simple WhatsApp message for us to line up, we have full availability“underlines one of the members of this department, which will also have the support of the Prevention and Reaction Unit (UPR) of the National Police, a low-intensity public order control section that in recent violent demonstrations has also He has come to support the work of his colleagues in the IPUs, and in total, therefore, between the IPU and the UPR there will be more than half a thousand agents deployed through the streets of Madrid to repel the altercations.

The city of Madrid and the four Catalan provincial capitals this afternoon will concentrate the most violent marches in protest of the latest police charges. This is foreseen by both the National Police and the Mossos d’Esquadra, which have planned important anti-riot agents in order to confront these demonstrations led by far-left groups that threaten to alter public order as they have been doing in these past days similar movements.

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