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Police Fear Thugs, Just Go Home!


Judges are members of the judiciary Azis Syamsuddin, Jaini Bashir, angry at former KPK investigator, AKP Stepanus Robin Pattuju alias Robin, while testifying in Azis’ follow-up trial. Why?

Initially, judge Jaini Bashir confirmed the testimony of a witness at last week’s trial named Agus Susanto, who is Robin’s friend and driver. The judge confirmed that Robin’s bag was filled with money after returning from Azis Syamsuddin’s official residence.

“After leaving the defendant’s house, did you come home with money?” asked Judge Jaini at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Jalan Bungur Besar Raya, Central Jakarta, Monday (20/12/2021).

Robin admitted that he never brought a bag filled with money after coming from Azis Syamsuddin’s house. He admitted that he once brought a bag filled with money after coming from Azis’s house, but the money was not received by Azis but from a person named Nanang.

Nanang’s name often appears at Robin’s AKP trial regarding bribery cases. However, Nanang’s figure was never revealed.

Robin only said that Nanang was a loan shark. Nanang, said Robin, was the one who lent about Rp 5 billion to Robin.

“I went to the defendant’s house, before entering (Azis’s house) I took the money,” said Robin.

“From whom did you take the money outside? Where did you find it?” said judge Jaini.

“From Brother Nanang, Your Honor, (meet) near a red light,” said Robin.

“It’s like a roadside drug dealer just You get money on the side of the road, it’s weird. That’s a lot of money, you know, according to witness Agus Susanto, after delivering the car, you didn’t get off for 5 minutes, then you went home,” said Judge Jaini Bashir.

Judge Jaini also asked Robin not to make up stories. In this trial, Robin admitted that he was afraid of Nanang’s figure because Nanang was a loan shark who had many thug friends.

The judge also called Robin’s confession unclear. Known, judge Jaini is also a referee judge in the AKP Robin case.

“In other cases, we are investigating. So we know, so don’t make strange alibis. Brothers are investigators, moneylenders are most afraid of the police because they don’t have a permit. That’s weird. borrow Rp 5 billion without collateral, police are afraid of thugs, go home just village, it’s not clear right,” said judge Jaini Bashir.

In this trial, Azis Syamsuddin sits as a defendant. He was charged with giving bribes to former KPK investigators AKP Stepanus Robin Pattuju alias Robin and Maksur Husain of around Rp. 3.6 billion.

The prosecutor said that Azis gave the bribe with the intention that AKP Robin as the KPK investigator at that time handle the case involving his name and Aliza Gunado. Azis is said by the prosecutor to have given bribes so that he and Aliza Gunado do not become KPK suspects.


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