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Police Commissioner Jhony Claimed Threatened by Brigadier General Prasetijo not to leak about Djoko Tjandra


Commissioner Jhony Andrijanto chose not to question the irregularities of the pass Joko Soegiarto Tjandra alias Djoko Tjandra to Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo. Jhony admitted that he had been threatened by Prasetijo so he would not reveal about Djoko Tjandra.

Jhony expressed this admission in a trial at the East Jakarta District Court, Tuesday (10/11/2020). Jhony initially admitted that he was afraid of Prasetijo.

“I am afraid, Your Honor, because I was new there, I was still there for two weeks. I am afraid of Pak Pras,” said Jhony in the trial.

One of the judges, Muhammad Sirat, then questioned why Jhony was afraid. The judge asked if Jhony had received threats from Prasetijo.

“All those examined from the Police are afraid. If they are afraid, have there been any threats?” Asked the judge. Jhony agreed by answering ‘yes’.

Jhony admitted that he was threatened by Prasetijo not to tell him about his meeting with Djoko Tjandra.

“The point is that Mr. (Prasetijo) once told me that I should not tell him that I am queue Father to Pontianak, “said Jhony.

“‘Don’t talk about it, don’t talk us to Pontianak, you have done this once or twice, just once, once more, if you do, remember, it’s up to you’,” said Jhony imitating Prasetijo’s statement.

Jhony worked as a subordinate of Prasetijo when he was Head of the Coordination and Supervision Bureau of the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency. Jhony’s own name is written on the travel document, the COVID letter and the health certificate.

He is also known to have accompanied Prasetijo on his way to Pontianak to meet Djoko Tjandra. Jhony also admitted that he had burned Djoko Tjandra’s road documents after being ordered by Prasetijo.

It is known that in this case, Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo was charged together with Anita Dewi Anggraeni Kolopaking and Djoko Tjandra forging letters for several reasons. At that time, Djoko Tjandra was the convict of the transfer of collection rights (assignment) Bank Bali which has been on the run since 2009.

Brigadier General Prasetijo gave a pass for Djoko Tjandra, who was about to run away abroad again. Djoko Tjandra received three fake letters, namely a travel letter, a COVID-19 free letter, and a health certificate.

(dwia / zak)

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