EIDSVOLLS PLASS (Nettavisen): At 09.30 the police begin to take down the activists’ banners and flags. There is a large turnout of police officers at the scene, reports Nettavisen’s reporter at Eidsvolls plass.
– We are here to promote a message. We are peace activists. There is a genocide going on in Gaza, more than half of them are children. Then I think it is controversial that they want us away. This is a place that has been used for many years to promote a message of peace, says one of the activists, Rafi Samander, to Nettavisen.
He says the campaigners only promote a message that supports international law.
– You have been asked to leave earlier. Why have you not followed this request?
– We have been asked to leave the place before, and that was when Zelenskyj arrived. We did that. The day before yesterday we were physically attacked. He ended up in the emergency room. The matter has been reported to the police. The next day, the message came that we had to leave the areas, says Samander.
He says that some of the activists will probably oppose the request to remove themselves.
When the police started clearing the camp on Thursday morning, there were a few campaigners present.
The shareholders were given until 2 January to remove themselves from Eidsvolls plass. On Thursday, the police are at the scene and have asked the campaigners to leave the camp, reports VG.
At 08.35 the campaigners have started to take down the tent, writes the newspaper.
The Palestine camp was set up on 11 November, and for 48 days activists have held their ground at Eidsvoll’s place in the “Palestine Tent.” The demand from the activists has been that Norway must condemn all war crimes, stop the genocide in Palestine and stop the sale of Norwegian weapons to Israel, writes Our Oslo.
The Presidency of the Storting informs Nettavisen that they have sent a clear recommendation to the police for assistance in removing the tent demonstration from Eidsvolls plass.
2024-01-04 07:57:53
#Removes #Palestine #activists #front #Storting