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Police Chief Meets Viral TNI Soldiers Evacuate Jambi Police Chief, Give Appreciation


The figure of a TNI soldier holding tightly to the dragbar or stretcher that carried the Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono into the Super Puma helicopter went viral on social media (social media). The evacuation action was dramatic and tense because the dragbar was circling in the air.

National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo appreciated the bravery of the TNI soldiers, as well as the entire joint SAR team in the evacuation process of Inspector General Rusdi Hartono and his entourage who had an accident during an emergency landing in the Kerinci forest. This morning Sigit met with the joint SAR team to express his gratitude directly.

The moment of the meeting occurred at Sultan Thaha Airport, Jambi. With a smile on his face, the National Police Chief greeted one by one the representatives of the joint SAR team, be it Basarnas, TNI, BMKG, Polri, and others.

The Indonesian National Police Chief also shook the hand of Kopda Ahmad Nofrizal, a soldier from the 462nd Command Battalion Pekanbaru Kopasgat. He is the figure of a TNI soldier who goes viral circling in the air while holding tightly to the dragbar that transports Inspector General Rusdi Hartono to the helicopter.

National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo and Kopda Ahmad Nofrizal Photo: doc ist

“Greetings to the leadership, family, from the big Polri family,” said Sigit while shaking hands with Kopda Ahmad Nofrizal. Sigit also patted Kopda Ahmad Nofrizal’s arm.

Photo: During the evacuation process of Inspector General Rusdi using a stretcher, there was a TNI personnel who got on. The TNI soldier and the Jambi Police Chief’s stretcher spun faster and faster as they got higher (Jambi Polda doc)

“Ready!” replied the orange beret soldier in response to the appreciation from the Chief of Police.

Sigit also shook hands with the Commander of Battalion Command 462 Kopasgat Lt. Col. Muhammad Junaidi who directly led the evacuation process of Inspector General Rusdi Hartono. Sigit saluted and gave a thumbs up to Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Junaidi.

National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo and Commander Battalion Command 462 Kopasgat Lt. Col. Muhammad Junaidi Photo: doc ist

“Excellent! Greetings to Pak KSAU, Pak Commander,” said Sigit to Lt. Col. Muhammad Junaidi.

“Ready, thank you, General,” said Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Junaidi.

Before departing from Jambi, General Sigit invited the entire combined SAR team to take a photo together. Sigit once again expressed his appreciation to Jambi Governor Al Haris and his staff, as well as to all the combined SAR team and the community who participated hand in hand in the evacuation process of Inspector General Rusdi Hartono and his entourage. Sigit said the success of the evacuation process was due to the hard work and solidity of all parties.

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo appreciates the Joint SAR team Photo: doc ist

The evacuation process for Inspector General Rusdi Hartono was carried out by the 462nd Kopasgat Command Battalion SAR team led by the 462nd Kopasgat Battalion Commander Lt. Col. Muhammad Junaidi.

At around 16.40 WIB, the SAR team of Battalion Command 462 Kopasgat using the Super Puma H 3211 helicopter manned by Major Pnb M Ravi Rakasiwi managed to evacuate Inspector General Rusdi using the Hoisting technique.

The Jambi Police Chief’s evacuation process took place dramatically. Inspector General Rusdi’s condition was injured so that his position had to be slightly tilted which resulted in the dragbar not being able to balance so that the dragbar when it was raised to the helicopter experienced a twist. However, this was anticipated with double safety equipment used by Yonko 462 Kopasgat SAR team.

Watch the video ‘The Story of Kopda Ahmad, TNI Soldier ‘Spinning’ Who Evacuated Jambi Police Chief’:


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