You don’t need a report to do an investigation, do you?
The explanation is in the article: “Filing a report is necessary to obtain details about attacks, such as IP addresses used, and to gain insight into the working methods of criminals. The ransomware task force of the THTC, among others, would benefit from information about attacks through the Log4Shell vulnerability.”
Like everywhere, people are busy. If citizens/companies themselves come and report that something has happened, it saves a lot of time. The police also ask to report any stolen bicycles, even though everyone knows that most bicycles never come back. Every Dutch person knows that bicycles are stolen, so that declaration is not necessary.
In general, you must report all crimes. But companies sometimes see this as even more work and also bad for their image. And once it is known that something has happened, the shareholders and customers naturally want you to take measures and these are typically quite expensive.
They prefer to keep it a secret.
At this time of year it also plays that half the country is free and that no one wants to work over Christmas. Attackers know that and strike right now. Victims who have to choose between their private lives or their work are quick to think “let the boss pay because I want to go back to the turkey”.
The attacks we’ve seen so far will mostly be from sides who can’t or won’t wait, either small fish that have to make their move before the big fish come, or attackers that have a specific target they need to hit before this hole. is being poem.
I think that few have been reported because a) everyone has their hands full with solving the problem, b) every smart attacker waits for Christmas to start (especially in parts of the world where they don’t celebrate Christmas themselves), c ) many victims do not yet know that they have been hit.
Assume that the past few days have been used to make lists of potential victims and to sharpen the digital bolt cutters. The next few days could be tough. I understand that they want to collect as much information as possible while they still can.