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Police break up climate protest in city centre

The Bremen police have declared the gathering of climate activists in the area of ​​the Am Wall/Herdentorsteinweg intersection to be dissolved. Police spokesman Bastian Demann said that they had been ordered to leave the area. After that, it is forbidden to gather at the intersection or in the adjacent streets until 10 p.m.

At 12 noon, around 70 climate activists from the “Last Generation” occupied the intersection. The climate activists had announced the action on social media and with posters. The “disobedient assembly” was not registered, as they described it. As the event continued, the blockers were repeatedly asked via loudspeaker announcements to clear the street for unhindered use. An alternative meeting place offered by the police a few meters away was not accepted by the climate activists.

After the people did not comply with the police’s repeated requests to clear the intersection, the assembly was broken up and ordered to leave, according to the police. Even after that, the blockers were given several opportunities to leave the intersection voluntarily. As the police further report, only a few heeded this request, which is why 31 activists ultimately had to be carried off the street and taken into custody. In total, the emergency services filed various reports, including for violations of the assembly law and for coercion. Traffic was able to move again at around 3:35 p.m.

The motto of the campaign is “Democracy under water”. The latest studies have found that without vigorous measures against climate change, Bremen’s infrastructure will be permanently damaged by 2050, says Konstanze Lerbs from the “Last Generation”. “There will be floods even when the weather is nice,” warns Lerbs. By 2075, large areas of Bremen are at risk of being under water. “That’s why we have to take preventive measures to prevent it from getting that far.”

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