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Police arrest several coronavirus patients for escaping from hospital without discharge | Courts

The Deputy Operational Director of the National Police, José Ángel González, has warned in the daily press conference of the Technical Committee that they have located several patients who they have escaped from hospitals without having been discharged. “I am referring to several cases of patients admitted to different hospitals who have not been discharged by any doctor without discharge. This It is a great job of localization, see the trability, with which taxi they have gone “he pointed out.

Specifically, according to police sources, it is three patients in the hospitals of Benidorm and Leganés (Madrid) who have already been arrested. In the case of Benidorn, a patient in his 80s left without discharge and without permission took a taxi to go home with his son. Once located, the police have had to disinfect the taxi and the taxi driver now has to spend a few days under observation.

A “tremendous irresponsibility”, these sources point out, “that has put at risk, in this case, a chain of people ranging from the worker who brought his own son home, thanks to the fact that no client took the taxi afterwards and we have not had to locate anyone. “

All three patients have been located and re-admitted in less than 24 hours. The National Police insists on the responsibility of citizens to maintain the rules of the state of alarm and not to put the population at risk and try to stop the still growing curve of infections.

a clandestine gym closed in Alicante


The National Police have also arrested in Alicante the owner of a gym that kept the facilities clandestinely open, despite the decree of the state of alarm. It was the call of a neighbor that alerted the agents when they detected clients of the gym who went with sports clothes and entered with bags or shopping carts to disguise.The agents found after the arrest that in some cases they hid the clothes of sport in the car or bags.

The gym continued to operate with the blind lowered and entered through a previously agreed code. The detainee is charged with crimes of resistance to authority and disobedience to the royal decree of the state of alarm.

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