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Police arrest man with 3D-printed weapon in Zeeland

During a house search on Schouwen-Duiveland, the police found a 3D-printed semi-automatic firearm with ammunition. The house also contained various printed firearms parts, a 3D printer and right-wing extremist propaganda material, including a number of flags with swastika.

A 33-year-old suspect has been arrested. The man is suspected of illegal possession of firearms and inciting hatred.

Police tracked down the man after a report. This week, an arrest team of the Special Interventions Service raided his home on Schouwen-Duiveland, reports Broadcasting Zeeland† The suspect was brought before the examining magistrate in Amsterdam yesterday.

Home factory of 3D printers

The police have been investigating the use of and trade in 3D-printed firearms in the Netherlands for some time. November last year Nine 3D printers were found in Rhoon that were printing weapons. The police spoke of a ‘home factory’. A 30-year-old suspect was arrested at the time.

A 3D weapon is ‘just’ a firearm according to the Dutch code, so its possession is prohibited. If you can’t shoot with them, then possession of such weapons is also not allowed. “If you can threaten it, it is forbidden”, according to the police.

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