Home » today » World » Polakis vs. Karaniks: “Niko, you are very tired!” – 2024-09-22 16:25:54

Polakis vs. Karaniks: “Niko, you are very tired!” – 2024-09-22 16:25:54

An online fight between Nikos Karanikas and Pavlos Polakis broke out on Friday. The occasion was the posting of the first person who accused SYRIZA executives of personal strategies.

“Who are the ones who will be compared morally and politically with Comrade Kasselakis?” he wonders at the point of his post. However, what he mentioned was not ignored by Pavlos Polakis who in his reply under the post referred to the internal party elections.

Nikos Karaniks’ post:

“Ethically and politically reprobates and reprobates. (in 1′)

The representatives of the 100 executives of Syriza with their sacred totems, party skeletons and sacred cows, after making their political coup by insulting the majority of the members, now see that they cannot delete president Kasselakis from the Syriza PS and it is driving them crazy the fact that the people choose him to be the new president of Syrizaps.

They have panicked and out of their desperation they are trying with antics to expose him morally and politically projecting their antics as politics and they are frantically searching for a solution that will accommodate their personal weaknesses and impasses.

But honestly now,
will such executives be compared to Comrade Kasselakis morally and politically?
Which and who? The televised self-referential executives who have taken no responsibility for Syriza’s multiple defeats and just smile on the screens?

Will the executives who advance their personal strategies compare?

The executives who think they are irreplaceable and useful when they are just the well-known outdated anachronistic figures of the routes and taverns who babble selling History and struggles of the past mixing it with Bullying and Pothen esshes?

These kinds of antics are unprecedented and reveal to us that these kinds of cadres are capable as it has been shown only of factions and intrigues?
Will these executives affect the ethics and politics of Stefanos Kasselakis – Stefanos Kasselakis? they and those who coup try to keep their positions? these strains? Mercy!

Unfortunately, these executives have tired us and disappoint us every day with their obsession to be in power of the party and in the parliament, insulting the ethics and history of the party and the entire left.

I wonder how it is possible that they do not realize that they are outdated and that they do not represent today’s society and the left that will rule?

The left exists to serve the common good and not their doctrines and Arabism.


The answer Polakis

“Nico, you are very tired!. The attempt to create the art of the “wronged” also has limits. You speak as an executive, as a citizen, as a passer-by, as what exactly? You value everyone by deifying one who proved a year that it CAN’T!!!

You talk about a “coup” without shame as if you don’t know the weight of the word!! So let’s go as quickly as possible to the electoral process, without becoming a spectacle, to oppose on the substance and not on the cry and the PEOPLE WILL DECIDE!”

#Polakis #Karaniks #Niko #tired

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