Police station Nienburg / Schaumburg
(bae) On February 3rd, 2023, the following facts were reported by a 79-year-old town clerk. He offered his phone for sale on an online portal. Then someone came forward who wanted to buy the phone. However, when the buyer stated that a DHL driver would come by, he became suspicious. Furthermore, an insurance of 170 euros had to be paid, but the money should be reimbursed with the purchase price. The Stadthäger then stopped all further contact. A report of attempted fraud was filed by the police in Stadthagen.
Questions please contact:
Police station Nienburg-Schaumburg
Stadthagen police
Operations and patrol service
Vornhaeger Street 15
31655 Stadthagen
Phone: 05721/ 9822-0
Fax: 05721/ 9822-150
E-Mail: [email protected]
Original content from: Police Inspectorate Nienburg / Schaumburg, transmitted by news aktuell