Home » News » POL-OF: Where is 15-year-old Shabnam B.?

POL-OF: Where is 15-year-old Shabnam B.?

Offenbach (ots)

Please note the press release from the police headquarters in Mainz:

15-year-old Shabnam B. has been missing since February 24, 2023.

Shabnam B. leaves her home address in Worms on Friday, February 24, 2023 at around 5:00 p.m. and tells her parents that she wants to go to Frankfurt am Main by train to get engaged to a friend. The girlfriend is not known by name. On the following day, February 25, 2023, the missing person reported to her sister via a messenger service and stated that she wanted to come home in the evening. Since then there has been no further contact. There are also indications that the missing person could currently be in Hanau.

The missing person is described as follows:

Normal figure, 163 cm tall, long, dark brown hair, possibly with heavy make-up, blue jeans, white turtleneck sweater, black and white Puma sneakers, beige teddy jacket, black shoulder bag. Investigations so far have not led to the finding of the missing minors, whose whereabouts are still unknown.

Anyone who can provide information about the whereabouts of Shabnam B. or saw them after February 24th, 2023, 5:00 p.m., please contact the police in Worms on 06241/852-0 or any other police station.

A picture of the missing person is included in the original report. If you have any questions, please contact the press office of the police headquarters in Mainz.

Link: https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/117702/5454434

Offenbach, March 3, 2023, Press Office, Thomas Leipold

Show contact details

Police Headquarters Southeast Hesse
– press office –
Spessartring 61
63071 Offenbach am Main

Telephone: 069 / 8098 – 1210 (collective number)

Thomas Leipold (lei) – 1201 or 0160 / 980 00745
David Jesse (dj) – 1214 or 0162 / 889 9373
Felix Geis (fg) – 1211 or 0162 / 201 3806
Jennifer Mlotek (jm) – 1212 or 0152 / 090 22567
Alexander Schlueter (as) – 1223 or 0162 / 201 3290

Fax: 0611 / 32766-5014
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage: http://www.polizei.hessen.de/ppsoh

Original content from: Police Headquarters South East Hessen – Offenbach, transmitted by news aktuell

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