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POL-OF: After a collision between two cyclists: racing cyclists please report; Who saw the…

Police Headquarters Southeast Hesse – Offenbach


Offenbach area

1. After a collision between two cyclists: racing cyclists please report – Offenbach

(fg) On Sunday afternoon, two cyclists collided in the area of ​​the Main Cycle Path below the Carl-Ulrich Bridge, causing a 44-year-old e-bike rider to fall and injure his knee. The 44-year-old was heading towards the Main car park shortly after 4 p.m. from Frankfurt. He told the patrol officers that he wanted to overtake the cyclist in front. He briefly swerved to the left and started to overtake. He overlooked the oncoming cyclist and a collision ensued. The racing cyclist, dressed in a yellow top, asked about the well-being of the fallen man from Mühlheim and continued to ride after an agreement had been made. However, since no personal details were exchanged, the police are asking the cyclist involved and other witnesses to call 069 8098-5100.

2. Girl was beaten – witnesses wanted – Neu-Isenburg

(aa) A schoolgirl was pulled down and beaten by six girls on Feldstrasse on Saturday afternoon. A male person is said to have filmed the doings of the 14 to 16-year-old perpetrators. The incident happened between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. at Rosenauplatz. The young woman from Frankfurt suffered scratches and abrasions as well as hematomas and had to be treated in hospital for two days. The police already have good leads on three suspects. Regardless of this, the officials of the West Regional Investigation Group are still looking for witnesses. They are asked to report to the Neu-Isenburg police station on 06102 2902-0.

3. Total economic loss: Accident driver obviously drunk – Dreieich

(fg) The heavy drinking of a 44-year-old Ford driver may have been the cause of the single-vehicle accident on Saturday morning at the intersection of state road 3317 and federal road 486. The Focus driver was driving on Landesstraße 3317 at around 1:45 a.m. and apparently intended to move into the left-turn lane. The vehicle’s tires hit a traffic island on the left-hand side. As a result, the driver probably steered sharply to the right, lost control of his vehicle and ran over another traffic island. The Ford Focus collided with the traffic lights there. The collision turned the focus to the vehicle roof. The car was a total write-off. Overall, the damage caused is estimated at around 17,000 euros. A breath alcohol test was not possible; However, since the 44-year-old was obviously heavily under the influence of alcohol, the public prosecutor’s office ordered a blood test, which was carried out at the station. In addition, the police officers confiscated the driver’s license of the man from Messel (Darmstadt-Dieburg district). The man, who was unharmed according to initial findings, is now accused of endangering road traffic, among other things.

Main-Kinzig district

1. Who saw the driving style? Who is believed to be at risk? – Hanau

(aa) A police patrol stopped a BMW with three occupants at the Altstrasse/Steinheimer Strasse intersection early on Sunday. The driver from Kiedrich now has to face a preliminary investigation into suspected endangerment of road traffic “through grossly illegal and reckless driving too fast” and endangering road traffic “through gross misconduct at pedestrian crossings”. The police are looking for pedestrians and road users who were allegedly endangered around 0.30 a.m. by the driving style of the X6 M50 D (with RÜD license plate). At around 12:20 a.m., the BMW noticed the patrol in the Kurt-Blaum-Platz roundabout. The driver is said to have driven out onto Nürnberger Strasse at high speed and without using a turn signal. The patrol car drove behind to check the vehicle at a suitable place. In the further course, the accused is said to have driven through the pedestrian zone at high speed, then into the street “Am Markt” and initially stopped because of the stop signals from the police. When the officers got out to check, the driver accelerated again and did not stop at a pedestrian crossing on Steinheimer Strasse, despite the fact that people were already on the road. The pedestrians would have been acutely endangered. In the traffic-calmed area of ​​Krämerstrasse, too, the BMW would have been driving too fast. The police ask those affected and witnesses who have seen the driving through the city center to call 06181 100-120.

Offenbach, March 14, 2022, press office, Andrea Ackermann

Questions please contact:

Thomas Leipold (lei) – 1201 or 0160 / 980 00745
Andrea Ackermann (aa) – 1214 or 0173 / 301 7834
Felix Geis (fg) – 1211 or 0162 / 201 3806
Alexander Schlueter (as) – 1223 or 0162 / 201 3290
Jennifer Mlotek (jm) – 1212 or 0173 / 3017743

Police Headquarters Southeast Hesse
-press office-
Spessart Ring 61
63071 Offenbach am Main
Telephone: 069 / 8098-1210 (collective number)
Fax: 0611 / 32766-5014
Email: [email protected]
Homepage: http://www.polizei.hessen.de/ppsoh

Original content from: Police Headquarters Southeast Hesse – Offenbach, transmitted by news aktuell

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