Home » today » Technology » POL-KN: (Radolfzell, Lkr. Konstanz) Man transfers money to WhatsApp scammers …

POL-KN: (Radolfzell, Lkr. Konstanz) Man transfers money to WhatsApp scammers …

29.08.2024 – 12:15

Police Headquarters Konstanz

Radolfzell (ots)

On Wednesday, a man transferred around 2,000 euros to a WhatsApp scammer. The 67-year-old initially received a message via Google Messenger from an unknown number. The author of the message claimed to be his daughter, who had a new cell phone and therefore a new number, and asked him to save it. The communication then shifted to WhatsApp, where the alleged daughter told the man that she urgently needed money to pay an outstanding bill. When the father asked if they could make a phone call, the scammer replied that this was not possible, as the new cell phone had a broken microphone. Deceived in this way, the 67-year-old finally transferred the requested amount to a Spanish bank account that was included. After that, contact was lost.

In this context, the police warn and draw attention once again to the still recurring scam in which “fake” WhatsApp messages are sent:

The supposed victim receives a message from an unknown number via WhatsApp or another messenger. The author of the message pretends to be the victim’s son or daughter and pretends that the cell phone is lost or broken. However, since important transfers need to be made and this is not possible via “the new cell phone” or money is needed, the victim is asked to “help out” and make the transfer. The money then ends up in the hands of the scammers using false account details.

The police strongly advise not to respond to such messages and to contact your son or daughter directly using the number they know. If they cannot be reached immediately, do not allow yourself to be pressured and seek advice from friends or the police before making any transfers.

Regardless of whether the caller poses as a “grandson”, “fake police officer”, “Microsoft employee” or as a “son” or “daughter” in a WhatsApp message with a stranger’s number and asks for a transfer, behind every call or message lies an attempt by criminal gangs to obtain their victims’ money in an unfair manner.

As part of the police’s prevention work, information on protection against various fraud schemes is provided by the Federal and State Police Crime Prevention Units on the Internet and can be found there under the link www.polizei-beratung.de available.

Please direct any queries to:

Katrin Rosenthal
Police Headquarters Konstanz
Press Office
Phone: 07531 995-1014
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: Konstanz Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell

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