District police authority Oberbergischer Kreis
Oberberg district (ots)
Friends and acquaintances were amazed. Suddenly, offensive content rained down from the sixteen-year-old friend’s Facebook, Snapchat and WhatsApp profiles. An unknown person had hacked into their social media accounts. The 16-year-old changed her passwords right away, but the damage had been done. The stranger still had access to her accounts, so he deleted them completely and reported them to the police. Police recommend protecting accounts such as email, social media and online shops with strong passwords and two-factor authentication. To let you know right away when strangers try to log in through their accounts. You should also use a separate password for each online login. If it’s already too late and you’ve been hacked, you need to act quickly. Sometimes it is enough to change the passwords, otherwise it is advisable to block the affected accounts, protect the screenshots and contact the providers. For more information and tips, go to www.mach-dein-passworth-stark.de And https://www.checked4you.de/computer-internet/internet/profil-gehackt-addressen-f%C3%BCr-den-notfall-351495
For inquiries from press representatives please contact:
District police authority Oberbergischer Kreis
Press office
Catherine Without
Telephone: 02261/8199-651
Email: [email protected]
Original content from: district police authority Oberbergischer Kreis, broadcast by news aktuell