In the latest Pokémon Scarlet and Violet regional tournament, Ogerpon, a new Pokémon from The Teal Mask DLC, was dethroned by a new counter. The top 12 list is removed and new teams are offered as competitive options.
The rivalry scene between Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has opened up new options for players with the introduction of the new Pokémon Paradox. New Paradoxes and Legendaries were initially banned, but quickly came into the picture, with additional bans and updates over time.
The game’s new Pokémon introduced in The Teal Mask DLC brought a significant boost to the competition. Wearing a timid mask and taking on many forms, this creature brings some ridiculous stats to back up its incredible signature move: Ivy Cudgel.
Along with this, some good options for adding new creatures from previous games have returned to round out the team, and players have found ways to counter Ogerpon’s reign.
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Pokemon CompanyOgerpon can change its type using various skins.
Ogerpon is out of the top 12 after the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet regional tournament in Toronto.
The second day of the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet 2024 Toronto Regional Championships was held in Canada on October 29. Not only did the winning team beat Ogerpon, but it was actually the same winning team that won last week’s tournament in France. .
Winner ChuppaVGC’s team consisted of Chien-Pao, Rillaboom, Hisuian Arcanine, Urshifu Rapid Strike, Tornadus Incarnate, and Flutter Mane. This mix surpassed the reign of Ogerpon, one of the most used Pokémon in the last series.
The Pokémon CompanyPokémon Scarlet and Violet Toronto Regional Championship
This team is almost identical to the team that winner Simone Sanvito won at the Pokémon Lille 2024 Regional Championship in France last week, but with some changes to Terra’s types and moves.
Ogerpon’s Hearthflame and Wellspring forms have consistently ranked high, but with trainers adapting to the new creatures joining the game, the list of counters is growing and enthusiasm for new Pokémon appears to be waning.
In the meantime, you can check out our guide on all the Hisuian forms available in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet and learn how to beat the Hisuian Typhlosion Tera Raid in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
2023-10-30 21:42:39
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