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Pokémon GO, September and October Community Days votes: What are the best choices? – News

In just a few hours, votes for future Community Days will be open on Pokémon GO ! You will then have 24 hours to participate and choose the next pocket monster which will be in the spotlight for a whole day. But who to choose? This article is here to analyze the forces involved and help you vote well.

Let’s answer the essential question first: How can you vote for the next Pokémon featured on a Community Day? It’s very simple, just go to the Pokémon GO official Twitter account, a poll will be pinned there, and you just have to click on the name of your favorite Pokémon with one or more accounts.

We advise you to confer with your friends and vote en masse for your favorite!

Porygon is a Pokémon of first generation. It was already very rare when the game was released, and the more new Pokémon are added, the more its rarity is increasing. Note also that the Shiny shape is particularly beautiful and that she hasn’t gone out yet, unlike other Pokémon you can vote for.

All forms of Porygon Shiny

Pokémon GO, September and October Community Days votes: What are the best choices?

In raids, Porygon is just never used. He’s a Normal type, so he’s never super efficient. The Normal type is not useful in raids but it is very useful in PVP since only the Combat type can really hurt him. In PVP, where Porygon is doing best at the moment, is the call Master, in which he is over 100th in his “Porygon-Z” form. This league is the one in which you will find monsters of power like Giratina so as much to say that one cannot shine there with a Porygon … but must we abandon it for all that? Well not at all. In the games of the main series, Porygon has access to a lot of good attacks, with a nice second charged attack, say tackle, it can be quite difficult to counter.

On our side, it is Porygon who wins our vote!

Pokémon GO, September and October Community Days votes: What are the best choices?

Papillusion Shiny

Here too, we have to do with a very nice first generation Shiny (once the evolution in Papillusion is done). But we must admit that Chenipan is much less rare than Porygon, so much less interesting at this level.

Papillusion is not a good Pokémon, whether in raids or PVP. Regardless of his new attack, if Papillusion is chosen, it will only be useful for collectors of Shiny.

Another Pokémon from Kanto, another nice Shiny. But the problem is that Tadmorv also exists in an Obscure version and in an Alola version, and these two forms are much superior. to the main form. So what ? If Community Day features Alola’s form along with the main form, then it can get interesting.

Grotadmorv of Alola

Pokémon GO, September and October Community Days votes: What are the best choices?

In raids, Tadmorv and his evolution Grotadmorv are never used. In PVP, Grotadmorv is very powerful in his Alola form in Hyper league with Bark, Dark Vibrator and Detricanon. But in its classic version, you hardly ever see it, and with good reason. Even with a good exclusive attack, we have a hard time seeing how brilliant he could be.. It’s up to you, but if there is no Alola form, we advise against voting for Tadmorv.

Even though Charmander has already had its Community Day, there are a bunch of reasons why it deserves to have a second. First, Dracaufeu Shiny turns black and red, it’s extremely popular and it’s easy to see why.

Pokémon GO, September and October Community Days votes: What are the best choices?

Second, as was the case with Carapuce, a second Community Day means a second exclusive attack ! While evolving into Charizard, you definitely won’t get the Fire Burst attack but probably something else potentially even more powerful. This is interesting because in strategy, Dragonfire is by far the most powerful of the 4 Pokémon on offer. Tortank got a Combat type attack, so we can easily imagine a powerful Flying attack for example.

Charizard is a good Pokémon in both raids and PVP. In the Hyper League, with the Flame Dance, Fire Burst and Dragonfly attacks, it ranks in the top 50 of the most destructive Pokémon. If you already have a powerful Shiny Dragonfruit, there may be no point in voting for it, especially since it will be back during the December Community no matter what. But if you don’t have one or more in stock yet, this is a solid option.

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By -LecHad-, Writing jeuxvideo.com


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