CAUTION, SPOILER ALERT. “Pokémon Concierge,” a Japanese stop-motion animated series from Netflix, tells the story of Haru, the new concierge of the Pokémon Resort located on one of the southern islands. While she works with her colleagues to care for all the Pokémon staying there, Haru rediscovers herself.
The one directed by Ogawa Iku from a script by Doki Harumi begins with Haru arriving at the Resort run by Watanabe after a series of unfortunate events: the end of her love relationship, the resignation of her best friend and the loss of a work project. important.
On her first day, she meets Tyler, who works in maintenance and teaches fitness classes, and Alisa, who works part-time every summer. Although Watanabe’s instruction is to relax and enjoy the place as a guest, Haru believes it is a test.
Watanabe tells Haru that on her first day she should relax like a resort guest in the animated series “Pokémon Concierge” (Photo: Netflix)
On her journey, the protagonist of “Pokémon Concierge” encounters several types of Pokémon, including a Psyduck. She also receives a relaxing massage from Watanabe. When she wakes up she feels guilty and writes a report on her activities, but the only thing her boss wanted to hear is that she had fun.
Haru’s next task is to choose a Pokémon and make him have fun and feel relaxed too. The young woman accepts, but she has no idea how to achieve it, she even tries to search for information on her smartphone without success. After repeatedly seeing Psyduck, she chooses him to complete her objective.
Haru tries to approach Psyduck, but he escapes. When the concierge chases after him she crashes into Tyler and knocks over the filling for some pies. To remedy the damage, the young woman offers to collect the fruit, however, she suffers another accident. This time Psyduck uses his powers to prevent a disaster.
Shortly after, Haru tells the Pokémon to let its power flow little by little to avoid chronic headaches. Although it is not easy at first, eventually Psyduck manages to control his psychic powers and creates a special bond with Haru.
Haru gets Psyduck to control his psychic powers in the Japanese animated series “Pokémon Concierge” (Photo: Netflix)
In the penultimate episode of “Pokémon Janitor”, Haru knows a Magikarp that can’t swim very well and uses a float. When Psyduck causes a Wingull to take the float, the young woman vows to find it, but fails. She tries to decide, but it is no longer necessary because Magikarp evolves into Gyarados.
Magikarp’s evolution makes her think that she would like to do it too. The next day, the young woman who increasingly feels more comfortable at the resort meets a very shy Pikachu and his trainer Nao. When he finds out about her problems, he agrees to help them.
Each of the tests that Haru devises to get Pikachu to speak louder and be less timid fail, despite the help of Nao and Psyduck. Eventually, Haru understands that Pikachu doesn’t need to raise his voice to be himself, and so he gets the Pokémon to have fun with his trainer.
At the end of “Pokémon Concierge,” Pikachu manages to raise his voice as he tries to say goodbye to his new friends, Haru and Psyduck. Meanwhile, the concierge continues her work at the resort and prepares for new adventures.
Haru trying to help a Magikarp in the Japanese animated series “Pokémon Concierge”, but in the process he helps her understand a very important message (Photo: Netflix)
2023-12-29 03:16:42
#Pokémon #Concierge #explained #happened #Haru #friends