PADUA – There are 4 cases in the territory of the city of the Saint which this year, up to today, have required the intervention of the emergency room to intoxication and mushrooms. The episodes, recorded by Ulss 6, tell stories of carelessness and risks that can be avoided by paying attention to the rules of preparation and consumption Safe.
«In Padua and its province we registered four calls al emergency room due to mushroom poisoning – explains Stefania Tessari, director of Sian (Food Hygiene and Nutrition Service) -. The first case involved a consumer of Armillaria mellea, the so-called nails, not prepared and cooked correctly. The second, more unusual episode involved a little girl who touched some mushrooms in the garden and then put her hands to her mouth. Fortunately he didn’t swallow anything – explains Tessari – thus avoiding possible poisoning”.
The expert then continues: «In the third case, the problem arose from the consumption of raw porcini mushrooms, a practice that not everyone tolerates. In fact, even a mushroom considered safe can cause problems if ingested without being cooked. Finally, the fourth episode involved an elderly couple: a 93-year-old pensioner unknowingly picked poisonous mushrooms from their garden. The wife then cooked them in a plate of pappardelle. Fortunately the quantity was small, causing only a mild muscarinic syndrome, which in worse cases translates into a clinical picture with headache, abdominal pain, hypersalivation, intense sweating, tearing, tremors and bradycardia which appear 15 to 60 minutes after the ingestion”.