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Point of view: With so little foresight, pre-school education can only fail

The first crawling groups are closed because there is a lack of skilled workers. If you don’t wake up now, you knowingly hit the wall with elementary education.


Barbara Haimerl

On progress in early intervention.  .  .

SN / cartoon: thomas wizany

On progress in early intervention. . .

Now it actually happened. A crawling group of the Red Cross in the city of Salzburg has to close due to an acute personnel shortage. Six small children lose their childcare place. Due to the strong demand, the facility had only opened four new groups in the previous year.

Koko GmbH, the largest private operator in the city of Salzburg, also has to reduce groups due to a lack of skilled workers and cannot accept new children, although the waiting list is long. The personnel problem has long plagued public and private …

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