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Pogba, it’s an ordeal: low-grade adductor injury – Sportmediaset – Sport Mediaset


 Il francese ancora ai box: tornerà dopo Pasqua

There is no peace for Paul Pogba: the year of his return to Juventus it’s increasingly a nightmare. The French, around 9:30, arrived at the J Medical to undergo the instrumental examinations which have highlighted a low grade lesion to the adductor of the right thigh. The former midfielder ex United he has already started the rehabilitation process aimed at resuming competitive activity: the stop should still be 20-30 days. Allegri will presumably have it available after Easter.

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At Juventus, patience is running out and Pogba’s future at Juventus is more than ever a puzzle. Between injuries, delays in call-ups and few happy outings on social media, the year of the Frenchman’s great return to Turin slowly turned into a chimera. By now even the fans have abandoned him. Only two appearances, thirty-five minutes played in the season and now a new long break.


After the new injury Paul Pogba quotes the Koran on his social channels. ”
Allah does not burden the soul beyond its bearing capacity“, the Juventus midfielder wrote on Instagram, struggling with a low-grade injury to his thigh adductor. This season, the French player has only played two segments against Turin and Rome, for a total of 35 minutes.


Exams at J Medical also for Bonucci who suffered blunt trauma to his left leg and his conditions will be monitored daily.


“This morning Leonardo Bonucci and Paul Pogba underwent instrumental tests at J|Medical. Bonucci suffered blunt trauma to his left leg and his conditions will be monitored daily, while Paul Pogba suffered a low-grade injury to the adductor of the right thigh and has already started the rehabilitation process aimed at resuming competitive activity”.

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