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Poets about the secrets of flesh and blood literature

Two József Attila prize-winning poets, Gábor Zsille and Laura Iancu, held an unusual literature lesson for the students of István Széchenyi High School in connection with Poetry Day. “I don’t want to flash some moments from textbook literature, but rather from flesh-and-blood literature,” Gábor Zsille led the conversation between the two poets. The students were presented with two different literary careers, nourished by different roots. Laura Iancu started from a closed Hungarian community in Moldavia, while Zsille entered the literary life as a Budapest native. The students were able to get acquainted with several poems by each author, and in closing, the poets formulated the following advice for the students: Read every day! Preferably fiction and poems, because each book opens up a new world that can enrich you.”

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