“It simply came to our notice then. But I honestly have no reason to go through the canals or hide somewhere. I’m a divorced guy who tries to find his happiness in life and enjoy life, which I wish everyone has set up like this, “he commented sourly. Marešovo actions of Ondřej G. Brzobohatý on the Super.cz website.
Cheaper gasoline for 4 months! An Austrian about refugees, and Kuchařová about an ex-husband’s infidelity
“I had to get used to it before, whether it was about my first partner and my first and second wedding, or my mother and her boyfriend. These are things that concern a person who is seen and working in show business, and it is a tax. But I wouldn’t trade professions because of that. “ added a talented omniscient to the dark side of media fame.
Ondřej Brzobohatý has a clear one: He would like to end the divorce war with his ex-wife Táňa!