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Podcast “Fest & Fluffy”: What do Olli Schulz and Jan Böhmermann say about the Kliemann case? – Media – Society

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3:22 p.m. today

Markus Ehrenberg

Joachim Huber

After the revelations about Fynn Kliemann’s mask shops, it was expected that Olli Schulz and Jan Böhmermann would comment on the podcast. It turned out differently.

Green or white asparagus? Johnny Marr or Morrissey? Accor or Ibis hotels? Olli Schulz and Jan Böhmermann faced the big questions of world history again on Sunday in the new edition of their Spotify podcast of “Fest & Flauschig”, but they didn’t ask themselves a question that was eagerly awaited: How does Schulz feel about Böhmermann after his intense in-depth research about Schulz’ buddy Fynn Kliemann?

It’s about Kliemann’s opaque business with protective masks, to put it mildly. Fraud is suspected. It would be extremely interesting to find out what Olli Schulz has to say about this. The musician and presenter has a close relationship with both parties involved in the controversy: with Kliemann a Netflix series and a houseboat they bought togetherwith Böhmermann about this very popular podcast “Fest & Flauschig”, which is broadcast weekly.

Not a word in it about Kliemann, the blunder of the popular influencer (800,000 followers), entrepreneur and musician – the media case of the week. A complicated story that Böhmermann unraveled in the “ZDF Magazin Royale”, for outsiders it is difficult to sort through the small parts.

Among other things, Kliemann had protective masks made in Bangladesh and had them sold on a large scale as “fair” goods produced in Europe. There were only hints in “Fest & Fluffy” when Schulz mentioned the people outside who probably approached this new podcast edition on Sunday with a certain level of expectation.

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The Kliemann story as support for the music streaming service? It is likely to be one of the most successful editions of “Fest & Fluffy”. Schulz & Böhmermann are media professionals and are very aware that fans are hoping for a statement about Kliemann.

They didn’t do that, although it seemed several times as if they were leading to the case. Schulz told a story in which he passed on the information to a good friend that his girlfriend was cheating on him. Not more.

What remains of the case of Fynn Kliemann, whose world savior image (with his best-known project, the “Kliemannsland”, a farm in Lower Saxony, a kind of adventure playground for adults), apart from the experience of having listened to one of the most entertaining podcasts again and the question of whether and how legal action will be taken against Kliemann? Hard to say. There is a suspicion of fraud.

“Rich wanker” he scolded Twitter buyer Elon Musk

In any case, a look at the Jan Böhmermann phenomenon. There are, it seems, several Jan Böhmermanns in this country. There is the moderator of the “ZDF Magazin Royale”, there is the schoolboy joker (“rich wanker” he scolded Twitter buyer Elon Musk), there is the investigative journalist. Especially in the last role, the Bremen native has a lot, no, a lot to offer.

Whether media entrepreneur Hubert Burda, meat manufacturer Clemens Tönnies or moderator Vera Int-Veen, the Böhmermann editorial team always brings unpleasant, even unappetizing things to light. The research is so thorough, comprehensive and in-depth that the in-house broadcaster ZDF does not seem to have any concerns that abuses will be uncovered again and again in “ZDF Magazin Royale”. The comedian – is he still that? – looks like the best investigative journalist of the second.

Jan Böhmermann has shown that, in addition to having a big mouth, he also has a penchant for in-depth research. What his editors and he have uncovered in the past few months in terms of dirt is more than remarkable. The “ZDF Magazin Royale” has developed into an investigative hotspot.

That should make the traditional top dogs from “Monitor” and “Panorama” in the ARD to the ZDF magazine “Frontal” thoughtful. Your investigation currently cannot keep up with the research power and research frenzy of the “ZDF Magazin Royale”. There has to be a reaction, otherwise people will ask what these magazines are good for.

Those are not all the worries of “Fest & Fluffy”, a success story spanning 400 issues. The “ZDF Magazin Royale” can do what it wants, Jan Böhmermann and Olli Schulz are apparently still best friends, discussing the Smiths and asparagus in the podcast. Despite or because of Fynn Kliemann.

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