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Pneumonia Deaths in RI Surge Threefold: Recognizing Flu Complications

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Our World in‌ Data
Pneumonia is the ‌leading ⁣cause of death for ​children younger‍ than 5 years. ⁢this page was first published in November‍ 2019,⁤ and last revised in February 2024. Pneumonia; Burden of pneumonia;⁤ Number of people dying from pneumonia by…


Kematian Akibat Pneumonia di indonesia Naik Drastis ​Sepanjang⁣ 2024

CNN Indonesia
Ternyata ​di Indonesia, ⁣lonjakan kasus pneumonia juga semakin mengkhawatirkan. Data terbaru‌ menunjukkan ⁤bahwa angka​ kematian akibat pneumonia melonjak drastis dalam setahun terakhir. Sepanjang 2024 kematian akibat ⁣pneumonia di Indonesia melonjak hingga tiga ‍kali lipat.


Wabah‌ Pneumonia Tinggi, Apakah Indonesia Keluarkan Pelarangan …

Berdasarkan data Institut Penyakit ⁤Menular Nasional Jepang, pihaknya memperkirakan bahwa dari 2 ⁤September⁣ 2024 hingga 26 Januari 2025, Jepang mencatat sekitar 9,52 juta‌ kasus flu. Sementara itu, wabah penumonia di Jepang ‍juga sudah menjadi​ sorotan ⁢sejak akhir 2024 lalu, yang mana dinilai sebagai wabah pneumoia ‍terburuk selama lebih dari 20 tahun.


Flu and Complications

The ⁣flu which is generally included in the mild category,‍ accompanied by fever, nasal congestion,‌ but recovered by itself in‍ four to nine days. While​ flu wiht complications​ requires longer treatment.

Usually it ⁤does not heal the symptoms of the flu after four to nine ‌days, the fever is getting higher, coughing up,” explained the⁢ man who is now‌ the Chairperson of the Mary ​Cileungsi Hospital Medical Committee and the Head of the HD Installation at⁤ Ciawi regional Hospital, when contacted⁣ detikcom⁣ Saturday (8/2/2024).

“Increasing symptoms of tightness, chest pain, ⁣coughing and ⁣high ⁤fever.”

Dr. Rusli ​also warned the risk of flu complications that began to lead to brain infections such as meningitis. In this​ case, a person’s awareness can decrease.The condition ‍of influenza complications ​is more vulnerable ⁤to children under five, the ⁢elderly 65 ​years and over, pregnant women, people⁤ with low immunity disorders, to ⁣asthma patients and chronic obstruction ‌pulmonary disease (COPD).

One‌ effort to prevent ‌the risk of flu to be a complication is vaccination. The chance of⁣ success preventing severe‌ symptoms after vaccination⁣ reaches 70 ​percent.

“They become less ‌affected by severe flu and ‍complications,” he concluded.

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Pneumonia Surges: Interview with Infectious ‌Disease Specialist

With⁣ recent data indicating a dramatic increase ‌in pneumonia cases and deaths around the‍ globe, our Senior ⁤Editor ​sits down with infectious disease ⁣specialist Dr. Emily⁢ Thompson to discuss the⁣ current state of pneumonia, the impact⁣ on Indonesia and Japan, and safety⁤ measures.

Drastic⁣ Increase in Pneumonia Deaths in ​Indonesia

World-Today-News.com: Can you provide an overview of the recent⁢ surge in pneumonia deaths in Indonesia?

Dr. ⁤Emily ⁤Thompson: Yes, the data is alarming. According to CNN Indonesia,deaths due to ⁣pneumonia⁣ in Indonesia ⁤have tripled over the past⁣ year,making 2024 a‍ especially‌ deadly ⁢year. This spike could be due to various factors‌ including increased exposure, weakened ⁢immunity, and possibly even‌ climate change affecting respiratory health.

Pneumonia Outbreak ⁣in Japan

World-Today-News.com: What about ⁤the situation in Japan? The news reports a staggering number of cases.

Dr. Emily Thompson: ⁤Indeed, japan is⁢ seeing a significant outbreak. Data from the National ‌Institute of Infectious⁣ Diseases ‌in Japan suggests that from September 2024 to January 2025,there were approximately 9.52 ‌million flu cases.‍ This, coupled with a severe pneumonia outbreak, is heralded as⁢ one of⁢ the worst in over two decades.

Understanding Pneumonia Severity

World-Today-News.com: How would you differentiate between mild and severe cases of pneumonia?

Dr. Emily Thompson: Pneumonia’s ​severity⁢ can range widely. Mild cases frequently enough present with fever and nasal congestion, where the patient ⁣can recover within a few days.​ Though, severe cases show persistent symptoms,高 fever, severe cough, and chest tightness. These could indicate pneumonia complications like meningitis.

High-Risk⁣ Groups

World-Today-News.com: Who is ⁤most vulnerable to severe pneumonia?

Dr.Emily Thompson: ‌Children under five, adults over 65, pregnant women, people with low immunity, and those with conditions like⁤ asthma or COPD are at a higher ‌risk. These groups must be especially careful and take preventive measures​ like vaccinations.

Prevention and Vaccination

world-Today-News.com: ‌How effective are‌ vaccinations in preventing severe symptoms?

Dr. Emily Thompson: Vaccination plays a crucial role. Although it doesn’t guarantee 100% protection, it can ⁣reduce the severity of symptoms and complications significantly, up to 70% in some cases.⁤ This means vaccinated individuals are‌ less likely to experience severe disease.


World-Today-News.com: What are the key takeaways for ⁤readers concerned about ‍this surge?

Dr. Emily thompson: Awareness is crucial.⁣ People should monitor symptoms carefully ⁣and seek⁤ medical ⁢attention promptly. Regular vaccinations and boosters can greatly reduce the ​risk of severe ​pneumonia, especially for high-risk groups. Education ‌about hygiene⁤ and public health measures can also play‍ a⁣ significant ​role in controlling outbreaks.

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