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PMT: Young parties fear that they will soon be seen as terrorists

Zurich – This Saturday, a broad alliance of young parties from Jungfreisinn to Junge Mitte to JUSO came together to oppose the Federal Law on Police Measures to Combat Terrorism (PMT). The young politicians sharply criticize the law, which will be voted on on June 13th. They warn against arbitrariness by the state, curtailment of freedom of expression and violation of human and children’s rights.

A broad alliance of young parties campaigned for a No to the Police Measures Act today: from the young liberals to the JUSO, Young EPP, Young Greens, Young Middle to the Young Green Liberals. From Winterthur to Uster to Zurich, 50 got together today, distributed flyers and informed the canton’s residents about the possible consequences of the PMT.

“The Jungfreisinnigen Canton of Zurich are pleased that such a broad, non-partisan alliance has come together to speak out against the creeping dissolution of the separation of powers. This law scratches the principles of our constitutional state and is extremely dangerous due to the inadequate definition of terrorism, ”says Sandro Frei, Vice President JFZH. Benedikt Timothy Schmid, Co-President of Junge Mitte Zurich, adds: “The arbitrariness of the anti-terror law causes us fear and horror – I would be a terrorist by my own definition. Therefore: No to the PMT. “

The PMT also violates the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, so Tobias Adam, Co-President YENP Canton Zurich. “This law confronts the Swiss electorate with the decision: Do we want to scold terrorists and lock children at home for up to nine months without access to education, or do we face this situation with support, close supervision and empathy?”

The law is intended to decouple terrorism from any criminal offense. This enables the persecution of political opposition, political movements and media workers. “Activists of all stripes must firmly say no to this law. Under the guise of fighting terrorism, the Federal Police are being given an enormously powerful instrument of repression, ”says Lilli Rose Wiesmann, President JUSO Canton Zurich.

The young parties are thus behind the sharp criticism of countless lawyers, the Council of Europe and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. “This new law is more dangerous than the so-called“ threats ”- because instead of more security it actually does exactly the opposite due to the vague definition, the abolition of the separation of powers and the reversal of the presumption of innocence! ”So Andrea Lara Isler, Co-President of the Young Green Liberals Canton of Zurich. There is already enough legal basis to pull terrorists out of circulation in the planning phase of an attack.

The fact that all the well-known young parties are working together for a cause is almost historic. Simon Caluori, board member of the Young Green Canton of Zurich, thinks: “The PMT is extremely dangerous – no one can assure us that we will not soon be seen as a threat because we want to change Swiss politics according to our basic values. This deep concern unites us all. ” (Young parties / mc / hfu)

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