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Pluto’s atmosphere is slowly fading away. A surprising discovery by scientists

Recent research from the Southwest Research Institute in Texas suggests that the gases surrounding Pluto are disappearing, turning to ice. According to scientists, this is due to the dwarf planet moving away from the sun. Pluto’s atmosphere is mostly nitrogen, mixed with methane and carbon monoxide. According to the research carried out, when the temperature on the surface drops, nitrogen freezes again, which causes the atmosphere to disappear. The dwarf planet currently needs 248 Earth years to orbit the sun. However, this distance increases, leaving the celestial body with less sunlight and cooler temperatures. In recent years, astronomers have been able to determine that Pluto has snow-covered mountains and fluid oceans below its surface. These two discoveries could provide the basis for more information about how the atmosphere of a dwarf planet works. The largest known nitrogen glacier is Sputnik Planitia, which is …


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