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Plume Libre Montcalm – Leucan marks the international pediatric cancer awareness day

-As part of International Pediatric Cancer Awareness Day, Leucan stresses the importance of supporting families as soon as the diagnosis is announced in order to help them better integrate the upheavals of the disease into their daily lives.

In Quebec, almost one family a day is diagnosed with pediatric cancer or recurrence. A Leucan counselor is present in each pediatric oncology center in the province and quickly meets families after the diagnosis is announced. “Families are experiencing a whirlwind of emotions and are overwhelmed by this upheaval in their lives. This meeting is essential to allow Leucan to create a first contact with families in order to guide them through the illness and to show them that they are not alone, “said Carol Beaudry, provincial director, family services, research and partnerships.

The Leucan red kit, essential for families

It is during this first contact that families receive a red bag which will be essential for them throughout the treatments. “Commonly known as” Leucan’s red kit “, the bag allows families to adapt to their new reality, which means sharing everyday life between home and hospital. The bag contains, among other things, a comforting comforter for affected children, sweaters that facilitate the frequent treatments that children must undergo and medical equipment to prevent the risk of infection when they go out in public, “adds Ms. Beaudry.

The godmother de Leucan, Marie -Mai, exchange with a family member of the Association The Association’s godmother for a year now, Marie-Mai spoke with families who are members of Leucan to better understand the importance of the support offered to them by Leucan. The population is invited to discover this reality experienced by hundreds of families in Quebec by viewing the video capsule of the meeting.

About Leucan

Leucan has been committed for over 40 years to supporting children with cancer and their families, from the diagnosis and at all stages of the disease and its effects. A loyal ally of hundreds of families and thousands of members across Quebec, the Association offers distinctive and adapted services thanks to a qualified team, having developed cutting-edge expertise in the field.

These services are supplemented by funding for clinical research and the Leucan Information Center. With its nine offices, Leucan is present across the province.

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