Is it time to change the mode of governance? Have the current political systems become completely obsolete?
As soon as the men settled down, they grouped together, formed villages for which they designated, for each one, a chief and a council to arbitrate the quarrels.
Over time, villages became towns. Then there were municipalities, provinces, countries that formed unions. And over the course of these developments and these rallies, institutions and laws were put in place.
Our world was built on divisions, divisions where each fraction tries to establish its hegemony to have control over all the resources of the earth and to commodify them according to their good will.
But is this mode of administration still conceivable given the difficulties that the world’s population will inevitably face? Everyone will experience the effects of climate change and the consequences of dwindling natural resources. Everyone will have to fight to meet the most basic, but primordial needs of human beings: to eat and drink!
If we stay on the systems we know, there is no doubt that wars will rage and perhaps, in the near future, every individual will become not only a predator, but also a prey!
It would be foolish to maintain a predatory oligarchic organization of all powers knowing that all those who were able to climb there considered themselves untouchable and allowed everything. Their incompetence, greed and devilishness have caused living conditions on earth to become more and more extreme.
What to do ? According to Plato, ” men must necessarily establish laws and live by laws » et “a government should only be entrusted to those who are docile to the law “. But isn’t that what is already applied? So where did we miss the boat?
Hard to answer, but maybe this could shed some light: if governing was a duty just like military service is; if all those who have the skills are successively called there; if apart from a daily flat rate, the benefits are calculated and delivered at the end of the mandate according to the results; if the positions of responsibility of the State were not covered by immunity… Will many be those who would jostle for the gate to become president, prime minister, minister, governor…?
To meditate to build our world of tomorrow!