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Plume de P: Pure powder powder

The idea of ​​a world where everyone is equal is certainly an attractive concept, but it will always be in the realm of fantasy.

For what ? Already at the beginning, individual differences in human nature inevitably create inequality. But not only that. Historically, man, through his choices, has structured society in a way that creates inequality. Current economic systems are proof of this, with resources being distributed not equitably but according to opportunity.

Distribution based on equity but not equity, who benefits? Rich countries that, thanks to their economic, political and military power, influence the rules of international trade to their advantage. They established financial institutions, which are for their own interests. Consequences: even though they have valuable natural resources, the poorest countries, which have special needs, have to be satisfied with the scraps, work in less favorable conditions and find themselves under a spiral of debt . With so much debt, how can they invest in economic and social development?

But who says that poor countries do not mean countries where only poor people live! Even with excessive debt and considered among the states with the highest levels of poverty in the world, poor countries have their rich countries and their billionaires!

Yes, even in these countries, the discrimination that has been done in the distribution of resources and wealth means that only a small minority are collecting them while a large part of the population lives in poverty.

This difference is seen by the poor as an attack. It emphasizes the feeling of lack and deficiency which, aggravated by the difference between the living conditions and the most advantageous ones, can cause moral suffering.

The moral suffering associated with poverty creates tension that can lead to violence and this is exactly what is happening in the four corners of the world. No country escapes from it because even the richest are also poor.

Inequality, moral suffering, feeling of injustice, a real molotov cocktail! No wonder people say that our current world is a real powder keg!

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