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PLN Prepares 1100 SPKLU for Idul Fitri 1445 Hijriah Backflow, Ensuring Comfort for Electric Car Travelers

pgr, CNBC Indonesia


Saturday, 04/13/2024 10:03 WIB

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia PT PLN is currently preparing to secure SPKLU for the return flow of Idul Fitri 1445 Hijriyah. This is done to provide comfort for travelers using electric cars.

Main Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo, said that his party continues to be on alert to protect SPKLU, including during the backflow of the Eid al-Fitr holiday.

“We will continue to guard the SPKLUs scattered along the homecoming route. We will prepare SPKLUs at each rest area“, including standby employees who are ready to help electric vehicle users comfortably charge,” said Darmawan.

The Jakarta – Merak Toll Road is one of the main routes used by travelers from the island of Java to the island of Sumatra or vice versa. For this reason, the presence of excellent SPKLU, especially on the Jakarta – Merak toll road which is the main route, is very important to support travelers who use electric cars.

General Manager PLN Banten Main Distribution Unit Abdul Mukhlis explained that in total his party had operated 51 SPKLU units spread across 32 locations and 1 Mobile SPKLU unit during the Idul Fitri 1445 Hijriah homecoming alert period.

Abdul Mukhlis added that on the homecoming route from the Jakarta toll road to Merak Harbor towards Sumatra there is a SPKLU rest area KM 13.5A, KM 43, KM 68A, and at Merak Harbor. Meanwhile, in the opposite direction there is a SPKLU in the KM 68B and 45B Rest Area.

“At each SPKLU rest area location there is a PLN standby post that electric car users can use to rest and wait for the battery to be charged. At each post there are PLN officers who are ready to help car users if they experience problems charging the battery,” said Abdul Mukhlis.

Abdul Mukhlis explained that to provide comfort to electric vehicle users, currently the PLN Mobile SuperApp is equipped with three additional features that support electric car travelers.

“Electric car users can now take advantage of the Trip Planner feature to plan travel and charging plans when using an electric car, scan barcode SPKLU for charging which now only requires two stages instead of the previous 3 stages, as well as the Siaga SPKLU pop up which allows direct communication with hotline SPKLU 24 hours via number call center PLN 123 or whatsapp 087771112123,” explained Abdul Mukhlis.

Andi, one of the electric car users from Serang who uses SPKLU at Merak Harbor, is satisfied with PLN’s SPKLU service, especially the alertness of the officers who help direct him. He was also impressed with the existence of a post designated for every homecoming, especially electric car users, to rest while waiting for the battery to be charged.

“It really helped that there was an SPKLU at Merak Port, the location is very strategic. I appreciate PLN for being ready to help me when I wanted to charge my electric car battery using PLN Mobile. The post is also comfortable and I am satisfied with the service provided by the PLN team,” concluded Andi.

Watch the video below:

Video: Making it easier to go home using electric cars, PLN alerts 1,100 SPKLU


2024-04-13 03:03:09
#Serving #Return #Flow #PLN #Ensures #SPKLU #JakartaMerak #Toll #Road #Reliable

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