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PLN 2,520 supplementary allowance from May 2025, but with compensation from January 2025? Ex officio payment, benefit registered annually

PLN 2,520 supplementary allowance from May 2025, but with compensation from January 2025? On Tuesday, September 24, the Parliamentary Committee for Social and Family Policy will consider the amendments submitted during the second reading of the draft Act amending the Act on Social Pensions.

On Friday, September 13, the Sejm got to know the report of the Parliamentary Committee for Social and Family Policy regarding the citizens’ project to change the Act on social pensions. During the debate on Friday in the Sejm, the clubs KO, PiS, Trzecia Droga and Left supported the citizens’ project regarding the extension of the social pension. A number of amendments were tabled at second reading. The project was again referred to the Parliamentary Committee for Social and Family Policy.

Additional supplement to the social pension. Ex officio payment, benefit indexed annually

The draft amendment to the Social Pension Act – after amendments – assumes: additional payment to the social pension in the amount of PLN 2,520 people entitled to a social pension who are completely unable to work and live independently. Giving extra allowance it will be done ex officio and there will be no need to issue a decision. The supplementary allowance is payable together with the social pension. ZUS will provide information to the person receiving the pension regarding the contribution of the development. In addition, it will also be available on her information profile created at ZUS. If the social pension is paid by the pension and disability pension authority, this authority provides information on the implementation of the supplementary allowance. This addition – according to the project – is to be are recorded every year March 1st. Solutions including a social supplemental pension would be introduced come into force on January 1, 2025

What was the original design?

At first, the citizens’ project for the Act to change the social pension assumed that it wasthe social entitlement will be 100 percent. minimum wage. The authors of the project pointed out that it was about ensuring a decent life for disabled people, and – as they said – the current level of social pension does not cover the necessary costs related to disability. The situation of disabled people on the labor market, which limits their acceptance of employment, and the low level of social pension do not allow them to be independent, and as a result disabled people are still dependent on the their families. – written in the justification of the project.

PLN 2,520 supplementary allowance from May 2025, but with compensation from January 2025?

During the second reading, the Parliamentary Club of the Civic Coalition submitted several amendments to the report of the Social and Family Policy Committee on the draft Citizens’ Act amending the Act on Social Pensions. Among the changes were, among others: transitional provisions that allow people entitled to a social pension to apply for additional allowance if requestedwhich, according to KO, also allows people who are entitled to a social pension the right to receive this allowance who, on the date the provisions of the supplementary Act came into force, have no disability based on independent living, but at a later date their state of health will justify proving such incapacity. In addition, KP KO drew attention to the fact that the provision and payment of contributions were mutually beneficial need to prepare IT systems to handle these services. The justification for the changes indicated that the minimum time to prepare appropriate changes in ZUS IT systems it is 6-9 months. KP KO suggested that the first payment of the supplementary installment should be made w big 2025 r. on the payment dates of social pensions, with compensation from 1 January 2025.

The Committee gave a favorable opinion on all the amendments submitted during the second reading

On September 24, a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee for Social and Family Policy was held. Committee he gave a good impression of all the changes reported in the second reading. The changes are aimed at, among others: clarification of the procedure for awarding and paying the supplementary allowance. The changes indicate that his contribution will not affect the size of the support benefit. The first payment of the supplementary contribution will be made in May 2025 on the payment dates of the social pension, with compensation from 1 January 2025.

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2024-09-25 12:25:49
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