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PLN 100 million for the expansion of the Warsaw Uprising Museum – Chancellery of the Prime Minister

PLN 100 million for the expansion of the Warsaw Uprising Museum


August 1 is a special date. This year we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. Everyone – regardless of their views or roots – will remember with respect the heroism of the young Varsovians who stood up to the unequal fight against the enemy. Prime Minister Donald Tusk began the celebrations of this event with a visit to the Warsaw Uprising Museum. There, he announced the decision to donate 100 million złoty to the institution for expansion.

The memory of the Uprising unites

Every year we honor the people who decided to stand up to the invaders in the summer of 1944. We remember those who – as Prime Minister Donald Tusk emphasized – decided to make an extraordinary effort, incomparable to anything else in the history of Poland and Europe.

– This memory is priceless. It creates a better future. Since it is so difficult to find those moments and figures in our history about which we can all say: “yes, these are our heroes, yes, these are our great historical events” – then we must take care of them all the more – said the Prime Minister during his speech at the Warsaw Uprising Museum.

The Prime Minister noted that despite the debates among historians and disputes about the meaning of the uprising that have been going on for decades, one thing is common to all – respect for the Warsaw Insurgent.

The museum brings history to life

Cultivating the memory of the Uprising not only unites people of different roots, traditions or views. It also builds a bridge between generations.

The Warsaw Uprising Museum plays a key role here. For 20 years, it has shown the glory and tragedy. The courage of young Varsovians and the brutality of the occupiers. Heroism and everyday life. But most importantly, it does it in a way that is authentic for young people.

– I was extremely moved when, together with the Mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, and Director Jan Ołdakowski, we looked at the meticulously colored photos from the Uprising. The Director said that it makes a special impression on the youngest visitors. That it brings closer and humanizes the artifacts collected in the Museum and works on the imagination of the youngest ones – said Donald Tusk.

For years, the institution’s activities have gone far beyond the mission of a typical museum.

PLN 100 million for an educational mission for future generations

The Prime Minister decided to allocate the missing money needed to expand the Warsaw Uprising Museum.

The Mayor of Warsaw drew the Prime Minister’s attention to the need for financial support. It turned out that due to incorrect decisions made in previous years, there were difficulties in transferring the promised money to the Museum.

– Mr. Prime Minister, many thanks, because this is a very important declaration. There are fewer and fewer insurgents among us and that is why it is so important to remember the Uprising, the values ​​for which they gave their lives. That is why it is so important that money has been found to expand the Museum. Thanks to this, the educational mission will be able to be further developed – emphasized the mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski.

The director of the Warsaw Uprising Museum, Jan Ołdakowski, pointed out that the institution already has a ready expansion concept. The only thing that held up the activities was the appropriate budget.

– We will start work tomorrow. Thank you on behalf of all the Museum employees, but also thank you on behalf of the new generation and the people who will come to this new Museum to prepare for the centenary of the Warsaw Uprising – said Jan Ołdakowski.

The expansion is expected to take approximately 3.5 years.


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