Eva (59) has a great desire to find her roots. She doesn’t know much about her biological father, she only received a stack of letters from her mother…
Eva knows next to nothing about her father. “All I know is that I was born out of wedlock,” she tells Julia Leischik. Her father Gabor emigrated to America alone at the time. Eva was then sent to a children’s home because her mother was overwhelmed as a single parent. She never spoke about her father.
Letters from America
It wasn’t until she was an adult that Eva got a good lead on her father – through letters from America that her mother gave her a few years ago. Julia Leischik begins her research in the USA, but no one there wants to know anything about Gabor. The search becomes an unexpected challenge – until Julia, after a long search, meets a former neighbor of Eva’s father.
Big surprise for Eva
The sad news: Gabor died in 1993 and was buried at sea. A bitter disappointment that Eva first has to digest. Nevertheless, she doesn’t want to give up so quickly. Her wish: “I just hope that there is still family there.”
In fact, after further research, Julia Leischik finds what she is looking for and presents Eva with an astonishing surprise: she has three younger sisters that she has never met before. All four women meet for the first time in America and cannot hold back tears for long – a great comfort for Eva after the news of her father’s death.