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Plea for a return of the industry

About twenty people attended a meeting initiated by the association Trait d’Union 58 and its president, Marguerite Michel.

Loïk Le Floch-Prigent, after a book signing session, hammered home his convictions for the relocation, in France, of industrial companies. Because the author, former chairman and CEO of large groups, and still a consultant in energy, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and transport, has never ceased to keep abreast of developments in these sectors around the world.

Here is a summary of his ideas and comments shared, Thursday evening, with the public present at Eden.

Successive governments, for twenty-five years, have done nothing to prevent the departure of industrial activity in emerging countries where the conditions of competitiveness are disproportionate to those of France.

The diagnosis is implacable, to avoid this damage to the industry, it would have been necessary to rely on a competent and long-term visionary State which remains benevolent and vigilant with regard to its industry.

Drastic measures are necessary to reindustrialize the country, it is an imperative of survival, because for a few decades the industrial culture is no longer too widespread. This state of affairs begins at school with a notion of distrust vis-à-vis the business fabric that made France prosperous at the end of the Second World War.

Developing the productive forces is essential

Today, only the production of electricity from the nuclear fleet retains the advantage over other industrialized countries. Other hurdles prevent relocation, including labor costs and rights, tax rates and environmental regulations, and brownfields are popping up everywhere.

For a change of course, a State would be needed that would encourage the development of the productive forces in a favorable environment and by trusting young graduates: the living forces of tomorrow.

Among the Nivernais who came to attend the event, representatives of local politics had made the trip. Among them: Perrine Goulet, MP for La Nièvre; Sandra Germain, Regional Councilor; Franck Michot, departmental councilor and Michel Veneau, former mayor of Cosne.

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