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PlayStation Plus games announced for July

It is a festive day for PlayStation Plus, because the premium service was launched exactly ten years ago. Back then as a service with all sorts of extras for gamers on the PlayStation 3, some free games and more. Nowadays it is a requirement to be able to play online on the PlayStation 4 and although a subscription is not necessarily cheap, you do get a lot in return.

The day after tomorrow we will enter the month of July and via the PlayStation Blog Sony has just announced the free games for that month. July games will be available on PlayStation Store from Tuesday, July 7, and will be available for download through August 3.

In July not two, but three games and it concerns NBA 2K20, Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration and Erica. For the latter, it is a PlayLink game that is played in combination with a mobile phone.

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