With increasingly reliable internet speeds, the presence of digital games is slowly but surely becoming more popular. The presence of a distribution format like this eliminates the various problems that often occur with physical games, from just problems with delays in arriving at our hands due to distribution problems from stores, for example, to something more “disastrous” such as damage to existing discs, for example. Over the last few years, as Capcom also stated, digital games have even succeeded in surpassing their percentage of physical game sales. However, this is not the case with Playstation gamers and their exclusive games.
Even though Sony itself has never explicitly announced information on how many digital and physical games it sold from its first and second party titles, data leaked from the Insomniac Games server the other day provides some insight.
Leaked sales data indicates that Playstation gamers still prefer physical games to digital.
Surprising? Playstation gamers still seem to prefer physical games over digital. Most of their digital game sales in each first party and second party titles are only around 20-40% of total sales. Even for games like Death Stranding, for example, only around 11% of total sales are digital versions. Uncharted 4 is no different, where only 17% of total sales came from digital. This means that their sales are still dominated by physical games.
This is of course a quite unique phenomenon, especially considering the hype from several publishers who have started to show digital game trends that are becoming more dominant. How about you? When was the last time you bought a digital game on your Playstation console?
2023-12-21 11:49:36
#Playstation #Gamers #Prefer #Physical #Games #Digital #Jagat #Play