HAI-ONLINE.COM – Square Enix confirmed that Final Fantasy 16 will only be released for the PS5 console.
Upon this news, a number of FF fans were disappointed because many of them hoped to be able to play it on a PC or other platform.
This new series of Final Fantasy will launch in June 2023, featuring several new combat approaches.
On several occasions, Square Enix has shared the gameplay of FF16.
There is a reason that Square Enix gave why they decided to only release it via Playstation 5.
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In a joint interview IGNaccording to Square Enix so far only PS 5 has the technology they need to execute the battle flow as desired.
Even though the initial trailer for FF16 in 2021 said that the game would be coming to PS 5 and PC, that doesn’t seem to be happening at least for now.
Described in a presentation, Combat Director FF 16 Ryoto Suzuki revealed that PS 5 is capable of displaying battles in real time and in beautiful graphics.
“If we don’t have the memory capability and SSD transfer speed of PS 5 now, maybe Final Fantasy 16 is still in the development stage.” Claims Ryoto Suzuki
Author: Muhammad Halim Zunurain