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PlayStation 5: Marvel Avengers War Zones Mode Explained – Basically

The next game “Marvel’s Avengers” has impressed fans around the world. Developer Crystal Dynamics clearly pulled it out of the park. With breathtaking graphics, immersive gameplay and great intrigue, it has the potential to be a hit.

We were also introduced to a new surprise Avenger, Ms. Marvel aka Kamala Khan. A recent gameplay revelation shows that she is the main protagonist of the story. She discovers that MODOK and its organization AIM supervised the Avengers. Looked:

The Avengers team up with “The Resistance”, a group of Inhumans and former SHIELD agents who have refused to join AIM. Together, they are fighting to denounce MODOK and put an end to its plans to eliminate the world’s superpowers.

Read also: PS5 Owners Will Get Free Upgrade On Marvel Avengers

Mode Marvel Avengers War Zones

It is a cooperative mode and not a full multiplayer mode. Cooperation is when you play with friends in a PvE battle to achieve a common goal. Multiplayer, on the other hand, is when you play PvP and not against a common enemy.

The “Warzones” mode is designed to allow you to play with your friends, complete specific missions for the avengers and upgrade your characters over time. Take a look at the following extended gameplay for a better understanding:

Philippe Therien, director of “War Zones”, explains

« The main difference between hero missions and warzone missions is that while the former tends to be story-centric and highly cinematic, a warzone is an expansive and searchable space loaded with lateral content, including hidden caches to discover, powerful bounty enemies to defeat, AIM Depots to support, faction allies to rescue, and hidden loot to claim.

“Although there is one main objective in each warzone mission, how you choose to approach them depends on the player. If the objective of the mission is outside, for example, the heroes can approach in any direction and take up the challenge as they see fit.. «

This pretty much explains how the cooperative gameplay will be different from the main storyline. This mode may seem quite similar to the ‘Destiny 2’ gameplay. It’s not entirely similar, but there are a lot of points to discuss.

Heroes and customization

Philippe explains in more detail

« Each war zone mission will display the difficulty and power level suggested before launch. Although the difficulty can be adjusted by the user, the higher the challenge, the greater the rewards. “

There will be 6 types of missions in war zones, namely iconic missions, faction missions, drop zones, chests, hives and the bad guys sector. Each of them has a different objective and reward depending on the level.

Apart from that, you can also customize your characters. As you progress through the missions, you will get rewards that can be used to improve your equipment, resources, artifacts and also change your appearance.

Each hero also has a unique play style. This will allow you to customize your hero according to what suits you best. This mode will continue to receive new missions at no additional cost.

To sum up, Marvel’s Avengers looks pretty promising with its cooperative function. The launch is scheduled for September 2020 and it’s time to get your team together to eliminate AIM.

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