Blue flame
I will take you to the recent past, exactly on a November evening, 2020. Next-Gen Initiation Day has become a historic fact. Several of the taller buildings of selected cities flashed blue for a moment. The PS5 has officially arrived. And at the same time I couldn’t forgive myself for letting go of the pre-order when the opportunity arose. In June of the same year, there was a console show, with planned titles for the premiere, etc. And I dreamed of a package with still sensational, Demon’s Souls. What goes around comes around, as the very classic saying goes. I managed (by luck) to hit the moment when a certain sales network launched the possibility of placing orders. The stores scheduled the shipment for only at the end of January, 2021. When the manufacturer was to ensure the restock of consoles in the world.
Sony has opted for exclusive online sales from the start. Unfortunately, the decision had a negative impact on the availability situation. The subject was quickly captured by scalpers using bots buying PS5 en masse, in wholesale quantities. The manufacturer boasted about the results, but customers did not have it easy. We didn’t have to wait long for the prices of equipment to skyrocket to the range of 4-5 thousand at online auctions. zlotys. What’s worse, there are quite a few buyers at this price. In the pandemic restrictions, there was nothing to spend a penny on, and gasoline cost next to nothing. So many could afford it. The question is, what was the point of that? Currently, the prices of PlayStation 5 are higher than during the premiere period. In a way, we voted for it ourselves, often overpaying. But what do people who waited for the equipment to stop say now?
It will not happen again?
Will there be another similar situation? Rather not bother with it. PThe S5 is doing great when it comes to sales figures. The issue of game sales also does not complain. Two years ago, players were reluctant to buy games due to the PlayStation Plus Collection catalog and the fact that many games from the previous generation performed better. Backwards compatibility turned out to be a bargaining chip. I completed Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5 myself. One, the game looked slightly better, and two, it was moving at 60 frames per second. And as you well know, it’s a big gamechanger. In an era of world-devouring inflation, we’re used to high prices. Paying two hundred or three hundred zlotys to get a current-gen console doesn’t bother anyone anymore. The question is when will there be any reduction?
Meanwhile, over two years behind us. The manufacturer has provided some interesting productions in the catalog, new variants of subscription gameplay appeared, the expansion of the popular Sony IPs on PC began. Some say that the current generation is the last one. In a few years, the term of exclusivity will no longer exist, as companies agree that those times are gone forever. I do not mind. All I’m asking for is no similar problems when the successor finally comes into the world. In the meantime, I’m using PS5 and I’m happy. Premiere troubles have gone into oblivion, but for us it should be a clear signal that there is no reason to overpay in the face of a temporary lack of equipment. For producers, it’s like grist to the mill. In a way, Sony has succeeded. By significantly increasing the prices of games, increasing the prices of consoles, they are still in the lead. And this state of affairs will not change soon. Have you been storming stores since the console was “permanent”?