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PlayStation 5: CEO Jim Ryan Reveals Supply Shortage and Challenges Faced During Pandemic Launch


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After months of anticipation, the PlayStation 5 it finally went on sale last week.

Eager fans flocked to buy the console, with retailers across the UK selling out quickly.

Now, Jim Ryan, CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, has bad news for those who still haven’t managed to get the console.

Speaking with TASS news agency , Mr. Ryan revealed that ‘absolutely everything is sold.’

He said: Everything is sold. Absolutely everything is sold.

I spent much of last year trying to make sure we can generate enough demand for the product. And now, in terms of executive bandwidth, I’m spending a lot more time trying to increase supply to meet that demand.

(Image: via REUTERS)

Ryan added that launching a console in the midst of a pandemic was no easy feat.

He said: Of all the things I’ve learned this year, one is that I wouldn’t plan on doing another big console launch in the middle of a global pandemic, and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone else.

It’s been difficult, it’s been challenging on the production side, not being able to get anyone into the factories in Asia.

Before we started production, we had to do all the manufacturing preparation by camera remotely. I mean, imagine that for a precision device like the PlayStation 5.

For those still struggling to find any last available stock, here’s a full breakdown of what we know so far.

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PlayStation 5 stock availability

2023-07-31 12:25:34

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