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“Playmaker” back on board! – Lübecker Ceesay has another play station › HL-SPORTS

Tobias Nill (Hamburg Sea Devils, Offense) celebrates with an outstretched fist. Photo: Lobeca/Roberto Seidel

Hamburg – Hamburg foundation! the Hamburg Sea Devils secure the services of “Playmaker” for the upcoming season Tobias Nil. The 1.78 meter tall and 95 kilogram policeman showed what he was made of, especially in the second half of the season. With 125 yards and a touchdown, he was largely responsible for the success of the Hamburg Sea Devils.

The Hamburger already provided touchdown after touchdown for the Hamburg Huskies in front of the Hamburg Sea Devils. “It is an honor for me to represent my hometown across Europe. I was born in Hamburg and have always lived here. For me there is no alternative but to play for Hamburg,” explains the 23-year-old with a view to the coming season and the upcoming challenges in the newly structured European League of Football (ELF).

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Kirk Heidelberg, offensive coordinator, knows Nill from his time with the Hamburg Huskies. “Tobi is an outstanding receiver. I’ve been fortunate enough to have worked with him on the huskies. I was able to use him well on my offensive back then and I’m happy again this year. He’s a ‘playmaker’ and everything a football coach could wish for. He was able to convince both offensively and defensively as a cornerback. Of course he will also make our offensive stronger this year,” says Heidelberg, pointing out Nill’s strengths.

with that Salieu Ceesay another reference station for the coming season. Constant, Jordan, Madin Cerezo, Mau, Rehder and Kouanda complete the receiver corps.

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image sources

  • Nill: Lobeca/Roberto Seidel

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