– The pictures speak for themselves. People have a great willingness to take risks. This is highly avalanche-prone terrain with both scree and slopes. We are afraid that this will go wrong, says Lars Bendik Austmo to TV 2.
He is the head of the Inland Inspection section in the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate and reacts strongly to the risky scooter driving that was uncovered during the helicopter inspection in Nord-Troms on Sunday.
Not fine
The primary task of the Norwegian Nature Conservancy is to monitor motor traffic out in nature. During the check in Lyngen, Kåfjord, Nordreisa and parts of Storfjord municipality, four scooter drivers were reported; two for driving under the influence of drugs and two for illegal motoring.
But the tracks in the mountainside cause the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate to point out the risks with this type of driving.
– People have a great willingness to take risks. This is very slippery terrain with both scree and slopes. This driving behavior is not right, and we fear that it could lead to serious accidents. Those responsible for this driving expose themselves and others to great danger, says Austmo Northern Lightswho first mentioned the case.
– This is life-threatening and cannot continue, Austmo states.
Using a helicopter
He tells TV 2 that, through both experience from previous checks and tips, they have insight into which environment is driving madness on the mountainside.
– We have a control plan for the whole winter and use both a helicopter and crew on the ground, Lars Bendik tells Austmo.
Sunday’s action in Nord-Troms was carried out by the State Nature Inspectorate in collaboration with the police, and Austmo states that there were two police officers in the helicopter.
People who are caught driving a scooter illegally in the countryside are mainly punished with fines.