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Players lost $ 615 million. Because of hackers from the DPRK

The game allows you to earn cryptocurrencies by playing or trading your avatars. The hacker attack is probably one of the largest to hit the cryptocurrency world, according to the BBC.

On March 23, hackers attacked Ronin’s blockchain network, which allows cryptocurrencies to be transferred to and from Axia Infinity. U.S. officials have said they associate the attack with the Lazarus group, which is believed to be controlled by North Korean intelligence. “Thanks to our investigation, we were able to confirm that Lazarus Group and APT38, cybercriminals associated with North Korea, are responsible for the theft,” the FBI said in a statement on Thursday.

Attack on Sony Pictures

Lazarus became widely known in 2014 when it was accused of hacking Sony Pictures and leaking confidential data. The group demanded that Sony withdraw the forthcoming film The Interview, a satirical comedy about a conspiracy to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

The UN panel, which is monitoring sanctions against North Korea, has accused Pyongyang of using the stolen funds to support its nuclear and ballistic programs.

“The United States is aware that the DPRK is increasingly relying on illegal activities, and therefore on cybercrime, to obtain funding for its weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs. It is trying to avoid severe US and UN sanctions,” Reuters was quoted as saying. spokesman for the US Treasury Department.

They operate from several countries

A U.S. military report from 2020 states that the North Korean hacker program originated at least in the mid-1990s and has grown into a cyber-fighting unit known as Bureau 121, which has 6,000 employees. It operates from several countries, including Belarus, China, India, Malaysia and Russia.

Chainalysis, a blockchain analysis company that reported cryptocurrency transactions, reported that North Korean hackers had stolen nearly $ 400 million worth of digital assets in at least seven attacks on cryptocurrency platforms in 2021.

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