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Play by Juan Villoro takes the stage in children’s theater – El Sol de Córdoba

The playwright Raúl Enriquez is a great admirer of the work of Juan Villoro, and with the aim of bringing his texts closer to younger audiences, he presents a theatrical adaptation of the story El hamster del Presidente”.

In an interview, he explained that for this work he made use of metaphor. “There is something in the specificities of the hamster that lead me to create a metaphor that this animal represented the most fragile, that which could not be defended. I took it to the noblest part of human beings.”

The play follows the events of a small country, whose inhabitants are lovers of sweets, and its president has the help of Genaro IIIa small hamster who acts as his private secretary.

Things get murky when the little animal escapes, leaving it to its own devices, so the president must enlist the help of ruy y Romina to help him save the candy nation.

Saúl specified that part of the objectives of this show is to teach the public, both children and adults, how they can contribute to building a better society through joint work.

“Unfortunately, with the word politics we think of political parties and bad rulers, but when I talk about this topic I mean the common welfare, and how you can do good in your community, and within a family politics is also done, having relationships with authority or as a father”.

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Convinced that sometimes the little ones are the ones who best adopt the messages of a play, he added that “It is a moment when children take the floor, but not from a utopian point of view, but from where they would like the messages to be given. things, and not being afraid of vulnerability.”

The President’s Hamster It has the direction of Paula Zelaya Cervantes, and the performances of Amanda Farah, Hamlet Ramírez, Salomón Saldaña and Isabella Vázquez. It is presented on Saturdays and Sundays, at 1:00 p.m., at the Helenic Theater, its season ends on September 11.

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